What is EasyLayouts?

  Quick Technical Explanation

EasyLayouts is a Joomla! addon that replaces traditional Joomla! template overrides by allowing you to create layouts for Joomla! content and modules using a powerful drag and drop interface. Your Joomla! content and custom fields are not modified - simply the way that they are output.

All of this without injecting extra javascript and CSS into your page so it will work with any Joomla! template.

We generate layouts to match  the CSS/javascript frameworks most commonly used in Joomla! templates (Bootstrap2, Bootstrap3, UIkit2, UIkit3 and more being added all the time).

More In-Depth Explanation

Have you ever wished that a Joomla! article or blog was presented differently on your site - the title moved, and image placed in a particular place, a custom field to be displayed underneath the image and you want this to be consistent across all your articles, or just the articles in a specific category.  If so - EasyLayouts is what you need. 

We even allow you to control the layout of content edit pages on a category specific basis!

All of this without injecting extra javascript and CSS into your page

EasyLayouts is not a content editor

EasyLayouts doesn't replace your WYWSIWYG editor - what it does it control the way that all your content elements are displayed together. The title, page heading, article text, read more, hit counter, published date, full image, custom fields etc. are all laid out in a consistent manner to achieve an attractive and professional looking site.

EasyLayouts is not a page builder

There are a number of page builders available for Joomla - these aim to control the presentation of a whole page.  They place modules, text elements, content etc. in positions that you can control.  They are, however, cumbersome and don't promote a consistent look and feel - one page can look completely different to another and are not well suited to site content being written by the site owner.  They are, perhaps, better suited to a smaller brochure site put together by a designer which won't be updated regularly.

EasyLayouts is not a template generator

EaysLayouts is not a template generator - it works within your Joomla template to customise the output of your Joomla articles, articles modules (with support for more components such as users and contacts coming very soon).

Published: 22 August 2017