Easy Enhanced Modal

The core YOOtheme modal looks good but is fairly basic and only allows you to include a few fields in its output.  Many modal extensions for YOOtheme are either very complicated to use or don't offer much more flexibility that the core YOOtheme modal.

Our Easy Enhanced Modal offers far more flexibility than the core YOOtheme modal whilst being easy to use. Try it today!

Click images to enlarge.

Add the ELS Modal to Your Layout

This will offer you a range of Modal layout options

Limited Layout

Choose the limited layout option to simply set values for the header, body and footer fields
#Configure the modal button if required and decide if the modal should be triggered by the button or the nearest ancestor grid item or adjacent image.

Limited Layout Output

A simple but effective and quick layout

Advanced Layout

With the advanced layout option you can specify full sublayouts for the header, body and footer. Remember to oranise them in the correct sequence ;)
#Configure the modal button if required and decide if the modal should be triggered by the button or the nearest ancestor grid item or adjacent image.

Advanced Layout Output

You can easily create sophisticated modal outputs.

Try These Features On the Demo Site Now

Demo Site See login detail on the home page.