Monday, 31 July 2023
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It would be interesting to be able to override "offline" website page.
Do you think you could add this layout in a future version of EL?

Another idea that comes in my mind, is to easily integrate into an article HTML errors code that the server sends back to the user and not just 404 errors for pages not found; I know that it's possible to create 404 pages quite easily, but the ideal would be to have a page that groups all HTML errors, what do you think?

These are interesting ideas - for the offline webpage are you thinking of being able to pick up a specific content item or information about the site or just a HTML layout editor with no 'fields'? Similar for the error pages

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I think that having an html editor would be ideal because it would give you more flexibility in creating layout pages, as well as the possibility to place access fields and html errors (in "snippets" format) wherever you want :)
Hi again,
... do you think it will be possible to integrate these two features into EL in the near future? :)
Customising the offline message is quite straightforward but customising the offline page and the error page is more involved.

I have been experimenting with a full template creation mechanism using EasyLayouts and when this is finished layering in the offline page and error page would be more straightforward. Could be a few weeks more I'm afraid

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory. problem, I'll wait...
11 months ago
since Joomla 5 now makes it possible to create 403 and 404 error pages, do you plan to continue developing the features I've mentioned in this post?

Also by any chance, do you know if in Joomla 5 is it possible to manage "offline" page? …maybe by making it possible to edit error pages, they've also thought about the "offline" page? :p

I've not seen the 403/404 error page customisation in Joomla 5 - where do you configure these?

A 404 error handler should be quite easy to implement to load a selected public access article on a selected menu item.

Looking at the code it seems that a 403 custom handler would be a lot harder.

I've figured out a way to redirect the offline to a selected public access article on a selected menu item.

404 and offline COULD be a fully edited layout but a custom article and menu item is probably easier to use as you could load a basic template and assign it to the menu item and you'd be away!

Thinking about it a custom menu item (which could be a single article view) would be the easiest to implement for both 404 and offline.

Not really EasyLayouts but a useful feature.

I'll have a bit more of a think about the 403 handler - we could probably deal with it by examining the system messages and if its a 403 redirect process the error in a custom way.

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11 months ago
I've not seen the 403/404 error page customisation in Joomla 5 - where do you configure these?

we talk about it in this article

404 and offline COULD be a fully edited layout but a custom article and menu item is probably easier to use as you could load a basic template and assign it to the menu item and you'd be away!

Thinking about it a custom menu item (which could be a single article view) would be the easiest to implement for both 404 and offline.

Honestly, I like both solutions, as much a fully edited layout in EL as a custom article linked to a menu item ;)
Ah - its a Cassiopeia feature in the error.php file.

BUT it only appears to work for 404 errors from my tests of restricted articles. restricted menu items and also looking at the codebase I don't see how it would be possible.

We could implement a generic solution for all 3 situations BUT the 403 error handling is a lot more complex as it has to deal with :
1. redirects to login
2. logged in but not authorised to perform the 'task' requested
3. the situation where you show the article teaser and a link to login to read more

What do you think in a 404 situation - should we redirect to a new menu item or display the custom error page 'in situ' ?

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11 months ago
it doesn't matter about 403 error, if you can implement the other solutions it's already pretty good! :)

What do you think in a 404 situation - should we redirect to a new menu item or display the custom error page 'in situ' ?

What do you mean by "in situ"? Does that mean directly in EL component interface?
Sorry I should have been clearer - lets say the menu item throws a 404.

Should the output be delivered to the browser on the URL OR redirect to a valid URL

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11 months ago
I guess the difference is quite subtle...

I assume the second solution (redirect to a valid URL) means creating a new menu item with a dedicated 404 page, but what exactly does the first solution by delivering the output to the browser?
It all depends how this output should be treated by a search engine crawler

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11 months ago
I think in this case you are the most qualified person to evaluate the best approach for this type of scenario...
I saw that in 1.5.6 changelog it is mentioned "Changes: Add support for custom offline and error pages".
Does this mean that there's already a template ready, or just that work is in progress?

Its there - see EasyLayouts config

Screenshot from 2024-01-22 11-05-29.png

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... that's really good news, thank you very much for these new features :)
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