Monday, 02 December 2019
  13 Replies
  9.9K Visits
no discount for Back Friday, no discount for Cyber Monday, no discount before the end of the subscription, strange way to retain your subscribers ...

5 years ago
Hello Lorenzo,

We in the history of GWE Systems have ever offered deals on holidays. The reason for this is because we are priced so competitively enough to cover costs and staffing that there isn't the margin there for discounts.

We could of course increase out cost, to be able to lower it on deal days like most providers do. But this takes more time the manage and doesn't seem fair that some users get it cheaper than other users. We try to retain our subscribers by offering a 20% automatic discount on renewal before expiry.

Many thanks
Hello Tony,
We in the history of GWE Systems have ever offered deals on holidays. The reason for this is because we are priced so competitively enough to cover costs and staffing that there isn't the margin there for discounts.

I understand...
We try to retain our subscribers by offering a 20% automatic discount on renewal before expiry.

... so then why I didn't received 20% discount before the end of my subscription? :p

I also inform you that there is surely a bug with the code available on the JEvents site because the discount for EasyLayouts subscription is 100% and not 50% :p

Thank you,


PS: maybe it would be wise to make this post private...
...just to inform you that the problem is still present on renewing subscription with discount code...
5 years ago
Thank Lorenzo, looks like there is an API issue :-(. I'll have Geraint double check.
Actually - these are historically generated coupons. I'll update them directly in the database now - thanks for the heads up

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is your support still exist ?
... try to contact them with "Contact Us" link... I know, support is the BIG problem on this forum and with this component... :(
5 years ago

Yep we are very much active!

Many thanks
I tried before to contact this support by "Contact US" but with no more success

Yep we are very much active!

Many thanks

Are you from the support ?
5 years ago
I sure am, however, it is the holiday season for us so I won’t be back online till Thursday whilst we spend time with our family.

Many thanks
Tony, Merry Christmas to all the team :) hope in a support more reactive next year :p
right it is not reactive at all; i submit a problem after have bought the software .. i can't install it but i have paid for it ....
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