Tuesday, 26 September 2017
  33 Replies
  11.6K Visits
It would be grate to select multiple images and create a slidehsow. Is it possible?
Accepted Answer
Did you try the multiple image list field that comes with Joomla - it allows you to select from already uploaded images. The output is NOT pretty but we can add support for a carousel type output for this field quite quickly and then in the next week or two add the option to upload multiple images.

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Grate I can see the slide but it seems that the slide its not working ? where I can change? http://pmesustentavel.webiton.com.pt/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10:iniciativas-2&catid=10&Itemid=109

Are you using version 1.0.0 RC1 ?

If so then the image list field type within EasyLayouts has a second tab in the options to allow you to display as a carousel/slideshow

See slideshow.jpg

which JS/CSS framework are you using?

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no i dont have the carousel functionality just that . i can list many pictures but not in a carousel. is it possible?
The field, as I have coded it up, should allow you to choose as many images as you want. Are you saying you are limited to 3?

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Sorry talking about this idea of the slideshow.

I would like to select multiple images and show a slideshow and not a list of 3 images. Is it possible to do

Many thanks
I have coded this up and will make it available in a club member previews discussion forum for you to test (tomorrow)

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

That is because the image custom field is not available for that category - you need to edit the custom field and add that category to the list of categories it is used for,

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

About the placeholder its specific for that page ? If i add another category i dont get the placeholder image...


and here ok

I have taken a look at Boostrap 4 and will include it in the next release of EasyLayouts - in the meantime if you select 'Bootstrap 3' it will give you compatible HTML for Bootstrap 4. From what I've seen the underlying HTML from Bootstrap 3 that EasyLayouts generates is compatible with Bootstrap 4.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

p.s. I fixed you issue with the default images for the custom field on your site I mentioned in the email

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Accepted Answer
Did you try the multiple image list field that comes with Joomla - it allows you to select from already uploaded images. The output is NOT pretty but we can add support for a carousel type output for this field quite quickly and then in the next week or two add the option to upload multiple images.

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

Yes... or selecting multiple images allready uploaded or upload new ones. Now I can only have one image and it would be grate to have a gallery in case of multiple selected. If i just select one image i would work to.

Many thanks
Creating a carousel output for the com_fields 'mulitple images list' field type would be straightforward but I guess you'd be looking to upload multiple images as opposed to just selecting ones that are already uploaded?

Review EasyLayouts. If you use EasyLayouts please post a rating and a review at the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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