Field Types Explained

There is a long list of supported output fields and the list is continuously being extended.  This the list available for the single article layout, the list varies slightly by layout type.

Page Structure Elements

At present there are 3 page structure elements available:

  • Row

    This allows you to add sub structures in your layouts - further columns and rows together with fields and HTML.

  • Naked Row

    Similar to a normal row above but this allows you to add sub structures but using no JS/CSS Framework class elements - simply a basic <div> wrapper.

  • Raw HTML

    This allows you to add plain HTML to your layout - you can't add sub elements (fields, rows or columns) to this.

Core Content Fields

These are the main content fields

Article headline title

This is the title of the article

Article Body

Typically this is the main text of the article but there are different option for the output when you click the 'Field Options' tab for this output field.

Output options for article body

This means you can use this field to display the full text, intro text etc.

Custom Field

Any custom fields available in the article

Article Teaser (Article list and blog views only)

The Article Teaser is what is displayed to guests when accessing a registered article if "Show Unauthorised Links" is set to true in Joomla articles config. It is typically configured to display the article intro image, intro text and a read more link.


Any Tags specified for the article

Load Modules by position

The option to load a set of Joomla modules based on module position within the article layout.

Load Module by name

The option to load a specific Joomla module within the article layout.


Any voting options specified for the article

Page heading

This is the page heading specified in the menu item for the page on which the article or articles is displayed

Images and Links

Table of contents

The table of contents links if these are relevant to the article being viewed.

Article navigation links

Article navigation links which offer links to second and subsequent pages for multi-page articles.

Article links block

The block of links specified on the 'Images and Links' tab of the article edit page.

Full image

The full article image specified on the 'Images and Links' tab of the article edit page.

Intro Image

The introductory article image specified on the 'Images and Links' tab of the article edit page.

Article Category

Information about the article's category with various display output options.

Category Image

The image associated with the article category  with various display output options.

Information and Icons

Article Date

A choice of dates associated with the article e.g. creation date or publication date.


Information about the author of the article with various display options

Hit Counter

An counter showing how many times an article has been viewed (and hopefully read).

Print icon (on print preview page)

An icon that only appears on the print preview page allowing you to send an article to a printer.

Edit icon

A standalone icon that appears to users authorised to edit an article.

Combined Content Icons

The group of icons that appears under the cog/wheel in the default Joomla output for an article - typically 'Email item', 'print item' and 'edit item',

Print preview icon

A standalone icon with a link to the print preview popup window

Email icon

A standalone icon with a link to allow the article to be emailed

Information Block

A block of information about the article

Fields from EasyLayouts

These are fields provided by EasyLayouts in addiotion to the normal output of Joomla.

Related Articles

If you use the EasyLayouts related article custom field then this output field generates a list of articles linked to the article being viewed and can therefore represent a list of related articles.

Warning Fields

These fields are typically only visible to article editors and above and appear to explain why an article is not visible to the public.

Unpublished warning

A warning that an article is not published/enabled.

Not yet published warning

A warning that an article isn't yet visible due to the start publishing date being in the future.

Expired warning

A warning that an article isn't visible due to the stop/end publishing date has passed.

Advanced Fields

These are fields generated by content plugins and will only be of interest to advanced users with a specific need.

After display title plugin output (ADVANCED USERS)

Enough said.

Before display content plugin output (ADVANCED USERS)

Enough said.

After display content plugin output (ADVANCED USERS)

 Enough said.

Published: 08 September 2017